Despite all the scary stories that you have probably heard in the news, there is no reason why you shouldn’t visit Greece if it happens to be on your list of dream destinations. In fact, now is probably a good time to go because airfare prices to Europe have been dropping and the euro is now more comparable to a dollar than it has been in years. Of course, the list that follows adds some other reasons why you should definitely consider going to Greece in the near future.

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*History. Although travelers shouldn’t miss seeing the Acropolis in Athens, noteworthy ruins can also be found at places like Akitori, Ancient Mycenae, Delphi, Knossos Palace, and Delos. There are plenty of abandoned temples and other historic sites scattered all around the country so no matter where you go, you’re sure to find what remains of history staring you straight in the face. However, when viewing the sites, you’ll want to keep in mind that the ancient Greeks were not all that fond of bland white marble carvings. Instead, these buildings were once lavishly pained but the colors have since faded to nothingness over the centuries.

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*Scenery. The Greek islands, particularly Santorini, are often mentioned as being among the world’s most romantic spots. Pictures of these islands are popular subjects for postcards but there are plenty of ways to get away from the bustling crowds such as checking out one of the lesser known islands rather than those that are likely to be replete with visitors. Of course, for those that prefer mountains to beaches, the breathtaking peaks of Meteora are sure to capture the imagination. Monks that were seeking seclusion built a series of monasteries high in the rocks that could only be reached by rope ladders or pulleys that were precariously attached to the mountainsides. Now travelers can ascend using a system of stairs but this place is definitely not for those that are afraid of heights.

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*Food. There is absolutely no sense vacationing in a place where the food is not great. Of course, Greek cuisine is full of fresh, tasty ingredients that help make it one of the world’s healthiest options. While freshly caught fish remains at a premium price, as is the case in many locations, travelers can opt for the more affordable seafood options such as shrimp and smaller fishes. Goat and lamb are also popular options but vegetarians need not fret. After all, the country is known for their tasty vegetable dishes that are often complimented with a scattering of fresh herbs and plenty of oil olive.
Happy Travels!
Sources: Adventurous Kate; Lonely Planet; Let’s Go Greece