As is the case with many other special occasions throughout the year, holidays prompt people to serve up foods that they probably wouldn’t indulge in at other times. These treats can range in nature from the traditional roasted turkeys that are served in North American countries to more unusual dishes like the Australian confection called White Christmas and the curry flavored goat that is eaten in Jamaica. Of course, hot, spiced drinks are also popular at this time of year in colder portions of the world.

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The star entrée in most Christmas feasts is often a roasted turkey, a baked ham, or something containing pork. However, duck l’orange remains popular at Christmastime in Italy and cooked fowl is likewise served in many places. Regions that are known for raising either goats or sheep tend to serve them instead of the aforementioned dishes. In places near the ocean, seafood is also common as the main protein on the table at holiday events. Oysters, salmon, carp, and herring are some of the many aquatic denizens that typically make an appearance on Christmas menus.

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Side dishes often tend to be based on regional vegetable preferences. For example, tabouleh is often seen at special occasions in Lebanon and sweet dumplings such as Neureos are commonly seen in India at Christmas. However, potato salad and various forms of cabbage seem to be universally popular during the holidays. Mushrooms, Brussel sprouts, carrots, rice dishes, and various root vegetables also tend to be widely seen as accompaniments to holiday meals.
Of course, folks living in some South American countries may even choose to skip the trouble of making a variety of different foods for the holiday by choosing to serve up a multipurpose dish like tamales instead. Their Japanese counterparts also simplify the holiday by purchasing large quantities of KFC several months in advance rather than doing the cooking themselves.

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Once the main meal is over, minds naturally turn to desserts. Although they get a lot of bad press, fruitcakes of all kinds remain a popular holiday tradition throughout the world. More universally adored indulgences like cakes, cookies, pies, doughnuts, sweet breads, and other confections also tend to make an appearance. For example, chocolate fudge is particularly popular in America and the British have been eating their beloved Christmas puddings since the Middle Ages. However, that’s only the beginning. Dessert tamales, marzipan, flan, gingerbread, and other items are likewise on hand in various places to satisfy the global craving for a sweet finish to another successful holiday season.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Source: Wikipedia