A couple of months ago, I went on a three week long trip to Ireland and the United Kingdom. I was a on a relatively tight budget but I didn’t let that stop me. Thanks to the luggage restrictions imposed by most budget airlines, I had to pack very lightly in order to avoid extra fees yet I discovered there were some supplies that were worth the extra weight. They might not be the first things that come to mind when you’re filling up your bags but you definitely don’t want to leave them behind.

Image Credit: Wokandapix via Pixabay.
Clothes that can all be washed together. The easiest way to lighten your luggage is to plan on doing laundry at least once during your trip. This frees up valuable suitcase space and reduces the weight of belongings that travelers have to carry around with them. However, this strategy is at its most effective if all the clothes that you bring with you can be thrown in the same laundry load because paying around $5 per laundry load can quickly add up.

Image Credit: Jussaik via Pixabay.
Shampoo bars. Anyone with long, thick hair knows that the dinky TSA approved bottles are a joke when it comes to shampoo and conditioner. The same could be said for similar products that are provided by hotels. They just don’t contain enough liquid for more than one wash. However, carrying large shampoo bottles on the plane is forbidden if you’re not willing to pay extra in order to have your bags checked. My solution was to get a $7.50 shampoo bar from the local health food store. It lasted for the duration of my trip, smelled great, and kept me out of trouble during multiple flights.

Image Source: PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay.
Snacks. Most articles tout the usefulness of water bottles, which certainly do come in handy, but neglect to mention that carrying around portable snacks can keep travelers dying of hunger when they’ve got long rides ahead of them. Unopened, prepackaged food can even be carried through security so you might want to do just that rather than pay the universally high prices found at airports everywhere.

Image Credit: Msumuh via Pixabay.
Basic first aid supplies. People always think about taking their prescriptions along with them but occasionally forget the basics. Having supplies on hand such as Band-Aids, antiseptic cream, wipes, and aspirin can keep travelers from suffering needlessly. After all, no one wants to be wandering around an unfamiliar town trying to find a pharmacy while dealing with a bloody cut or a headache that’s making them see stars. While wipes are great for cleaning cuts, they’re also useful for freshening up after long rides on public transportation and cleaning your hands before you start devouring your supply of emergency snacks.

Image Credit: Abigail2resident via Pixabay.
Scarf. A large scarf is a handy multipurpose item that’s a godsend for those with limited packing space. Big enough scarves can double as skirts, beach cover ups, head wraps, and occasionally as towels. This item also works great as a blanket for times when you find yourself on freezing cold airplanes or overnight train rides.
Small Pillow. Having your own minuscule pillow allows you to get some rest no matter where you find yourself. Maybe the ones provided by your hotel are too fluffy or too flat but if you brought your own you should be able to sleep comfortably in spite of that.

You might need these, but only one pair!
Image Credit: Snufkin via Pixabay.
Among the numerous things that you might want to leave at home are unflattering clothes that make you look bad in all those pictures you’ll be taking, makeup that you won’t actually wear and the extra pair of shoes that always seems to sneak into your luggage. Or perhaps that’s just me.
In any case, happy Travels!